NT Qr Code

by NT group



NT Qr code is an application help you to quick check barcodes and scan Qr code online easy every where and every time.Main features:- Qr Code Scanner: Help you to scan qr code online easy- Barcode Scanner: Help you to quick check online and scan barcodes each products- Barcode Generator: Easy to create your owner many style Barcodes with you need ( example: EAN-13, UPC, Code 128…and much more)- Qr Code Generator: easy to generate many style Qr codes ( Url, text, Phone, email, wifi, event and more)- Share: Help you quick to share on social and on your mail or cloud- History View: Show all Qr codes and barcode you have scanned and generated- Settings: help you choose and setting many options in this app Qr code